Build your net zero workforce effortlessly

We enable employers to hire, train and enhance the talent needed to power the net zero transition.
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We make hiring talent easy

Access our database of job seekers, get a tailored shortlist, and ensure the perfect fit.
Access top green talent from 8,000+ job seekers
Get a bespoke shortlist backed by our tech and expertise
Clear communication to ensure you always get the right match
Dashboard mockup

Skill your net zero workforce

Learn faster with interactive courses, how-to videos, and AI support, all in one place.
Interactive e-learning to master industry regulations and updates
Short, mobile-friendly videos for step-by-step learning
AI Co-pilot to solve onsite challenges instantly

Our happy client stories

Greenworkx made the interview and recruitment process much, much easier. Instead of going out and searching, we had candidates brought to us, allowing us to pick the best fit for the opportunity.

Cian O Flathabhain
Head of Retrofit Services

We've got SHDF wave 3 that's just taken off now, which is going to expand the business even further, probably from 80 people through to 150, and I'm hoping that the relationship with Greenworkx keeps expanding

Ash Crawford
Managing Director

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