We use LearnWorlds as our content hosting platform, which is GDPR compliant and follows strict data protection regulations to ensure your privacy rights are protected. LearnWorlds relies on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) for secure hosting, and GCP meets top industry standards, including ISO/IEC 27001 and SOC2/3 certifications. LearnWorlds also implements robust security measures, such as encryption, regular security testing, and continuous monitoring, to safeguard your data. For more details, you can review LearnWorlds' security practices on their
Data Security Page.
Please note that while LearnWorlds manages the security of the platform, we have access to certain learner data, such as progress tracking and course analytics. This data is shared solely with the organizations to which the learners are affiliated, in compliance with applicable data protection laws. We ensure that all data sharing is done securely, anonymously and in accordance with privacy regulations to maintain confidentiality.